Monday, November 16, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

Baby Mylee..(for the time being)

So here is my first official tummy pic. My wonderful sister insisted at the cabin that we take one of our belly's together. I am due Oct 22nd and Natalie is due Jan 24th.This pregnancy has been a little different then my others. Where we live you can't possibly go outside for any amount of time because it is so dang hot and well, there is NOTHING to do. I worked with the other two so I always had something to do. I am excited that she is almost here but a bit nervous being that we will be moving at the same time. Still not sure where or if we will have a job. Ty reminds me everyday not to stress just to know the most important thing is no matter what I have to pack! We have absolutely nothing ready for the baby and the time just keeps creepin by. Sooner then later she will be here and so will the move. I have had a lot of heart burn and seem to be carrying her low. I can't wait to see what she looks like. These last 5 weeks I know will be the longest of the whole pregnancy.

5 years!

5 years ago I married my best friend. I can't believe it has already been 5 years. At times it feels like it went by so fast and other times it feels like it has been an eternity. As I sit back and look at all we have been through and the trials we have faced in these short 5 years I am grateful for each one. I feel like we are closer then we have ever been and I LOVE it! Ty is such a hard worker and great supporter for our little family. I am soo lucky to have a man like him for me and our kids. He is so hands on with our kids and would give them his shirt of his back for anything. They have him wrapped around their little fingers. I can't wait in a few weeks we will bring our third little baby into this journey with us. My mother in-law is coming out to watch the kids so that we can have the weekend to spend together. It feels like we are really getting away on some great vacation but we are only 5 min away from the house across the river! I seriously can't wait to just have him and I time. I love you babe and thanks for all your support and love.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Snake in our closet!!

So the other night I was doing laundry and went in to get some hangers in our closet. My robe was on the floor so I hung it up and as I went to walk out saw this snake in our closet! I think I almost crapped my pants. It started to go behind my shoes so I called Ty to see when he would be home. Ya he was still 20 min away. He told me to stand guard and make sure it didn't get out. I was sitting on my vanity talking to him and the snake popped its head our between my pants! I ran and jumped on my bed saying about every swear word possible like it was really going to get me!lol I really didn't want my kids knowing in case of nightmares. Well needless to say Hannah came in to see what was going on and was like " Oh Mom I'll get it. You dont need to be scared". She insisted Kolton go get there creature house( A Styrofoam cooler) that she puts crickets or the lizard she caught the other day in. To bad she was bummed when my response was uhh NO! Needles to say Ty got home trashed my closet getting it. Right before he started to get it Kolton told him "Dad don't make me sh*t in my pants". Really it looked a lot bigger behind all my shoes. Here is a pic of the little guy.

First Day of School

School started Early out here on 8/10. Hannah didn't have the greatest experience last year at this school so I was hoping that it wouldn't be a struggle for school this year. Lucky us she has an amazing teacher Miss Liska and absolutely loves school again! To bad we will only be here another 2 months. They have these lovely uniforms they have to wear(I hate). They have the option between a grey shirt and a bright yellow shirt. This is one of the things I'm looking forward when we move, no more uniforms. Here is my grown up baby on the first day of 2nd grade.

Demolition Derby

While we were in Wyoming they had a demolition derby. The kids and I have never been to one so we thought why not! My sister Natalie was just getting into town so she brought Trevor and came. It was a blast! They had the demo derby and two other events. One of the events was quite comical to watch. There was two people on the four wheeler and the back person had a balloon on their head and a foam sword that they would have to pop the other opponents balloons. The car the kids routed for ended up winning so they were very excited!

Wyoming Trip

Wyoming Trip

So the kids and I took off for 12 days to Wyoming. I have always gone since I was a little girl in the summers and have been back every year with my kids. This year was fun but we sure missed Ty being there. We broke the drive up there into two days. The first night we drove to Provo and then the next day met up with my sis-inlaw in Spanish Fork for Pioneer day parade. I don't think I have ever seen a longer parade! We drove into Montpelier, Id the next day to see my Grampa before we headed on over to the ranch. He really looked awesome but wish he could have been home with us. I took the kids golfing quite a bit. Hannah did very well she Double bogied a par 3 and was able to hit it over the pond on one hole. We went on bike ride/walks every night. The weather was sooo nice. The kids convinced Gramma to go on the bumper boats! Hannah told her " Come on Gramma didn't you know it's all about having fun". We decided that we would make the 11 hour trip back in one day and surprise Ty. I thought I was doing good on time and forgot to make a turn in Heber. Needles to say I went about 40 miles the wrong way before turning around. I was in full out tears 1 because I wanted to just get home and 2 because my gas light came on and I still had 30 miles to Heber. Luckily it we were going down the mountain so I through it in natural and some how made it back. We met Ty at work around 9. The kids were so excited to surprise him.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


We took the kids out to the lake a few weekends ago and they HATED it! We went friday night and thought we would stay over. It's so nice out here I figured we would just sleep on the boat. Well a huge storm rolled in and we got eaten alive from the mosquitos. Ty and I pretty much didn't get any seep taking turns spraying he kids with repelent. Sat morning we went fishing for a while then let the kids get on the tube (bad idea). They ended up falling off because it was so choppy and Hannah and the tube went one way and Kolton went the opposite. Ty jumped in after Kolton because he was freaking out and left me with the boat! I have never driven or had any clue how to drive the boat. Needles to say we ended up staying out for a few more hours and packed up and headed home. Luckily it's only 5 min from where we live.


Since I am so behind I thought I would just post a few pics from Ty's and the kids brithdays. We didn't do any friend parties this year we just kept it low key at home. Ty has been working really long hours so the kids patiently waited all day to open their presents until Dad got home.( Their choice) Kolton had to wait till 9 I thought the 4 year old was gonna die!


We got the chance to go to Disneyland a while ago and had a blast!! My parents were able to come along for two of the three days which was fun for the kids. The weather was good not to hot or cold! The first day we were there it wasn't busy at all so we pretty much just walked on all the big rides with the kids. It was nice because then the rest the time we didn't have to worry about what we rode. Kolton was barely tall enough for the big kid rides but he went on them and they were his fav. Both of the kids favorite ride was Splash Mountain because Grampa got all the water in the front!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Baby News!!

This is for my little nephew Trevor! He doesn't believe that we are havinga baby so here's the proof Trev.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


We had a great Easter this year. Saturday we had an Easter egg hunt with a few family's and then the husbands went golfing. That night we died our Easter eggs with Mindie and her family. On Sunday Hannah woke up around 6:30 asking to open her stuff and she had to wait until Kolton woke up. To bad he wasn't in a hurry she waited till 8:30. Poor girl.. After church we went over to Mindie's for Easter dinner and then went and rolled Easter eggs down the hill.

Phoenix Trip

While we were in Phoenix we had a nice relaxing time. We took the kids to the 3-d version of Monsters vs Aliens, read books at Barnes & Noble, went swimming and played a lot of tag at the hotel. The hotel was more like a condo and had a ton of grassy area(something we don't have where we live) so we took advantage and played a lot of tag with the kids. It was nice to get away.

Hannah's Birthday

Well since I am horrible at this blogging thing it is no surprise I am 3 weeks behind!! Well yes my little girl turned 7 on March 30th. I can't believe in 1 year she will be baptized. We ended up going to Phoenix for her birthday. It was a lot of fun and nice and relaxing.

Hannah loves...
Hannah Montana
jewelrybasketball/baseballdoing crafts
playing with her brother(even though they are always fighting)
of course her best friend Emeliegh

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Crazy Hair day

Shootin with the kids

My Birthday

My birthday was on a Wed. and Ty was going to be working in Vegas and I had the Relief Society b-day dinner so the kids thought we should celebrate the night before. I was setting up for the RS dinner and Ty had the kids. He has always been so good at letting them make me a cake. What are the odds that in the middle of setting up I have to go to Wal-Mart , at the exact minute I walk in Ty is walking out with the kids. Kolton could hardly keep the secret. I got home late and the kids ran out of there rooms screaming "SUPRISE WE MADE YOU A CAKE". So here are the pictures. It was really good. Kolton wasn't very happy when Ty shoved his face in it.

Hannah's Basketball

Now that the season is ending I figured I better post some pics. She loves basketball and did so good. We are so proud of her:)

Diamond Rio concert!

Diamond Rio came out to Laughlin so we got to go see them in concert. We got to sit in the front row. It was a blast. There was this drunk guy sitting next to us that was sooo stinkin wierd. I wish I could of video taped his signature dance moves. They were "GREAT"

Dr. Suess night

Hannah had Dr. Suess night where they could dress up like any one in the books. Hannah wanted to be Cindy Lou and Kolton Thing 1. Hannah ended up winning first place for her costume and got the Horton Hears a Who game.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The New Year!!

I love this saying!! It is so true and will be my motivation this year. Way to often I sit and say well if this was different then this could happen, If I could be like her I would be so happy, If only my house was clean... etc Well this year I am going to TRY to stop just thinking it and do it! My first goal is to run a half-marathon this year. I talked and talked about it last year and never ran more then 3 miles.(if any of you have advice please share it). Also I am going to try to keep my life and home more organized one day and one room at a time. Let this be your motivation to change or start those things that you have been wanting to!