Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wyoming Trip

So the kids and I took off for 12 days to Wyoming. I have always gone since I was a little girl in the summers and have been back every year with my kids. This year was fun but we sure missed Ty being there. We broke the drive up there into two days. The first night we drove to Provo and then the next day met up with my sis-inlaw in Spanish Fork for Pioneer day parade. I don't think I have ever seen a longer parade! We drove into Montpelier, Id the next day to see my Grampa before we headed on over to the ranch. He really looked awesome but wish he could have been home with us. I took the kids golfing quite a bit. Hannah did very well she Double bogied a par 3 and was able to hit it over the pond on one hole. We went on bike ride/walks every night. The weather was sooo nice. The kids convinced Gramma to go on the bumper boats! Hannah told her " Come on Gramma didn't you know it's all about having fun". We decided that we would make the 11 hour trip back in one day and surprise Ty. I thought I was doing good on time and forgot to make a turn in Heber. Needles to say I went about 40 miles the wrong way before turning around. I was in full out tears 1 because I wanted to just get home and 2 because my gas light came on and I still had 30 miles to Heber. Luckily it we were going down the mountain so I through it in natural and some how made it back. We met Ty at work around 9. The kids were so excited to surprise him.

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