Friday, September 11, 2009

5 years!

5 years ago I married my best friend. I can't believe it has already been 5 years. At times it feels like it went by so fast and other times it feels like it has been an eternity. As I sit back and look at all we have been through and the trials we have faced in these short 5 years I am grateful for each one. I feel like we are closer then we have ever been and I LOVE it! Ty is such a hard worker and great supporter for our little family. I am soo lucky to have a man like him for me and our kids. He is so hands on with our kids and would give them his shirt of his back for anything. They have him wrapped around their little fingers. I can't wait in a few weeks we will bring our third little baby into this journey with us. My mother in-law is coming out to watch the kids so that we can have the weekend to spend together. It feels like we are really getting away on some great vacation but we are only 5 min away from the house across the river! I seriously can't wait to just have him and I time. I love you babe and thanks for all your support and love.

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